How to clear your mind Mind
At we focus on three pillars that will help you become the best version of yourself. One of those is accomplishing a clear mind. Obtaining clarity helps increase focus, creativity, and a flow state while removing doubts and anxiety. In this article, we’ll help you learn more about the mind and how you can actively change your mindset. But first let’s answer this important question.
What is the Mind?
The mind is where you have all your thoughts and imagination.
It is the thinking consciousness of a human being. The mind is formed from the abilities such as perception, memories, attention, logical thinking, and coordination.
What is our mind shaped by?
Our mind or way of thinking is shaped by many influences such as our upbringing and our experiences, our independence and self-love. How we deal with mistakes made, whether they let you fall behind or whether you learn from mistakes and move on.
How can I unburden my mind?
During the day, we are bombarded with information and tasks that need our attention. Doing this day in and day out means our mind needs time to wind down.
Take a break, and take time away from the computer and your mobile phone. One of the main ways to create calmness in your mind, which we highly recommend, is meditation and mindful exercises. Simply try to start with a daily 10-minute meditation routine and go from there. For more meditation tips, be sure to read our articles on that subject here!
Besides our mind, it’s also important to understand what the importance is of the mindset.
What is the mindset?
The mindset is based on our attitudes towards certain issues.
A Mindset is a set of beliefs that shape how you see the world and yourself. It affects how you think, feel and behave in a given situation. Our mindset is fueled by many memories and experiences.
Your mindset plays a crucial role in overcoming life’s challenges.
How can I improve my mindset?
- Watch your words and thoughts. Replace negative thoughts with more positive ones to build a growth mindset.
- Accept challenges. Making mistakes is one of the best ways to learn, be open to learning new things. Don’t become too perfectionistic in your demands but be realistic.
- Learn to deal with setbacks. Don’t give up immediately if something doesn’t work right away, and keep trying.
- Celebrate your successes. Work on yourself and your self-esteem.
- Have a positive view of the future, search for the good things that will happen to you, and stop focusing on the potential negative outcomes. On this website, you find more tips for being positive
- Train your subconscious mind with affirmations (small texts that you read through every day). This site has some that can help you with your self-esteem.
In short, Live mindfully. Actively monitor your thoughts and state of mind and try to improve it.
Meditation can be a great way to become more mindful! Check out our partner below.
What are the positive effects for your body of clearing the mind?
Having a clear mind has a plethora of positive effects. Not only on your mind but also on your body! Among them it will:
- Reduce your stress hormone cortisol. Stress is one of the worst states of mind you can have, destroying your mind and body in the process. Even for example, the immune system will be operating at a lower level due to stress.
- You keep your metabolism stable.
- Your blood sugar levels are lower.
- It improves your long and short-term memory.
Check out this entire article about the incredible healing power of the mind!
Which things can clutter your mind?
Creating a clear mind often begins with removing all of the unnecessary clutter to free up space.
Too much stress, making too many decisions, too much social media, too much work on the PC, and all of the other decision we need to make everyday continusouly burden our mind. Again, take breaks so your mind has time to unwind.
Another way to limit your social media time is to automate the process!
Why are negative thoughts so bad?
Our minds are a result of thousands of years of evolution. We want to protect ourselves from danger with negative thoughts. This is a remnant from the time when people had to hunt and beware of large animals.
These days, negative thoughts tend to keep us small. As a result, we’re often scared to try new things, afraid of new challenges, or imagine the worst things in the future.
Some worries and fears are normal, but when thoughts and fears take over and you start going in circles, it can become very excruciating.
You should work on your negative thoughts when they are directed against you. When you tell yourself you can’t do some things or you aren’t good enough.
How can I get rid of negative thoughts?
Having negative thoughts circling your mind during the day has a devastating effect on your mindset. It’s crucial to be aware of them and neutralize them.
The first step is to become aware of these negative thoughts and analyze them. Why do you tend to these thoughts?
When you have found an answer, you can consciously stop these thoughts when they pop up. If certain thoughts keep coming back, it is always helpful to write everything down in a small journal.
Other activities that can help are meditating, jogging, yoga, mindfulness exercises, or breathing exercises.
And you don’t have to figure this out all by yourself. Check out this article on mindfulness.
And here we dive deeper into meditation!
To further unwind your mind, take some time alone walking in nature. The Fresh air, and greens of nature, while keeping your body in motion, can do wonders.
Try to be more mindful and concentrate on yourself without a cell phone, laptop, or TV.
When you are aware of your reoccurring negative thoughts, you should try to replace your negative thoughts with good thoughts. Write down positive events and things you have already done that you are proud of and give you a good feeling. Consciously work on boosting your self-confidence.
Trying to apply all this information can be a daunting task. There is no shame in asking or looking for help! Something we can recommend is getting a coach or following a step-by-step course on this topic. It will enrich your life tenfold and boost your confidence and mindset forever!
Why is my self-esteem so important?
Your mind and your self-esteem are intertwined and have an effect on each other. Our self-esteem has a major impact on our daily lives. It influences our mood, but a lesser-known fact is that it also influences our performance. It consists of four factors:
- Perception of one’s personality
- Our Capabilities
- Our Relationships with fellow human beings
- Our values.
People with healthy self-esteem are confident in their abilities. They often find it easier to take on new challenges, see things more positively, and have a more positive attitude. People with low self-esteem often find it difficult to believe in themselves and tend to give up. They have more negative attitudes.
Would you like to increase your self-esteem? Here are some exercises.
What does mindfulness mean, and how do I live mindfully?
Let’s take a look at what, by definition, mindfulness means. Mindfulness means consciously perceiving the current moment. Conscious means we do not allow ourselves to be distracted and do not wander mentally. If we dissect those sentences, it means living in the here and now, not in the future.
Try to worry less about what could happen in the future and stop dwelling on what happened in the past.
You write the future with your current actions in the present.
With exercises like meditation, you can practice living more mindfully. Conscious breathing exercises, walks in nature, being thankful, doing exercises, writing your reoccurring thoughts etc.
The enthusiasticbuddisht has 10 great mindfulness exercises which you can read here.
And if you need some tips on how to implement mindfulness in your daily routine check out this site.
Having a clear mind is so important to becoming the best version of yourself. A lot of it comes down to living more in the present and detach yourself from the ever more demanding world that we live in. Get more in nature and more out of the digital world!
While getting a clear mindset is something that you will not get witing a couple of days. However, we hope these tips have helped you in getting a better understanding of your mind, why it is crucial to have a clear mind, and how to change your lifestyle to get a clear mind.
There is a lot more to be said about the benefits or a clear mind and ways of getting one. Be sure to optin to our newsletter so we can send you our Mindset articles on a regular basis!
If you have any other tips for our readers we’d love to hear them in the comment section.
To see all our products that can help you with achieving a clear mind, check our mind products!
Here’s to your mental and physical health,